Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Heylooo people!!! Wassup? I got tonsillitus this week. It's almost like gondongan,but it's just not. So our tonsil got infected and became bigger or shall I say HUGE,blablabla and some says that the doctor will have to take out the tonsil with full surgery.....which I hope I won't get,because by that time, will be as good as new.

I started feelin some weird feeling about my neck area, was on Monday morning, when I did my Alquran started to hurt when I touch my neck.when I got back from school, went to sos with my mom.checked and they said it was mumps(sorry if I spelled that wrong) the next day I didn't go to skl so went to the sos bcoz it got worse, I can't chew, can't talk, I can't even open my f-ing mouth. And I got this fever,hhhhh I was misrable. The next day Iddo and his mom came visit,brought cakes haaaa so kind : ) now I feel better and wish me luck so I can dacorate my class for 17an!!! And watch AAR (so important if I do) !!! And go to my friend's birthday thingy, which idk if it's still on or not.

seee yaaaa muah,



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